Un espacio virtual para compartir recursos para la asignatura de Arts and Crafts en colegios bilingües. Creado en el curso escolar 2015-2016 en el
Grupo de Trabajo nº 205 CTIF Madrid Este
It is not difficult to make a video presentation of our students' artwork (or of any other images we want to use.) Here is an example of a video created with the Art of our first-grade students.
How can we do it? You will need an application called Windows Movie Maker. There are many tutorials available online, but here is one that covers the basics:
The same author has made a series of videos that cover different aspects, such as adding sound.
En las siguientes enlaces se pueden ver los documentos elaborados en el Grupo de Trabajo nº 205 CTIF Madrid Este, curso 2015-2016, bajo la licencia Creative Commons:
This activity could accompany a study of important artists of the Renaissance or Siglo de Oro, with any painting you choose. Original blog post here with step-by-step instructions.