viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

martes, 26 de abril de 2016

Making a video of student artwork

It is not difficult to make a video presentation of our students' artwork (or of any other images we want to use.)  

Here is an example of a video created with the Art of our first-grade students.

How can we do it?  You will need an application called Windows Movie Maker.

There are many tutorials available online, but here is one that covers the basics:

The same author has made a series of videos that cover different aspects, such as adding sound.

sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Mona Lisa collaborative mural

This activity could accompany a study of important artists of the Renaissance or Siglo de Oro, with any painting you choose.

Original blog post here with step-by-step instructions.

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

Weaving on a cardboard loom

This activity can relate to Incan Textiles (Age of Exploration, Social Science) or more modern textile art.